Crash Course in Federal Government Contracting - Table of Contents, Module Description and Objectives
Classes are live, and offered virtually. One or two modules will be scheduled per week.
Module 1: Beyond the Basics. 2
Module 2: Teaming and Contracting, Part I 2
Module 3: Teaming and Contracting, Part II 2
Module 4: Bidding, Part I: Finding opportunities, process and players. 3
Module 5: Bidding, Part II – Requests for Proposals. 3
Module 6: Bidding, Part III: Proposals. 4
Module 7: Bidding Part IV, Pricing. 4
Module 8: Awards and Execution. 4
Module 9: Accounting Basics. 5
Module 10: Accounting System setup. 5
Module 11: HR and Compliance. 6
Module 12 Classified Work and protecting Sensitive data. 6
Module 1: Beyond the Basics
This module goes beyond the basics of registration to provide best practices for setting up your business to do government contracting work.
At the end of this module, participants will be able to
a. Describe several “best practices” for setting up the company to do GOVCON work that will avoid headaches and re-work later on.
b. Explain the difference between FAR and DFAR, and demonstrate how to look up a FAR clause
c. Explain NAICs, how many to use, and when to add them
d. Describe the government procurement cycle
e. Discuss the pros and cons of responding to RFIs and sources sought.
f. Create a reference of GOVCON terminology
g. List the tools and programs needed to work in GOVCON
h. List the team members and vendors needed to achieve success in GOVCON
Who should attend: company administrator, executive leadership
Module 2: Teaming and Contracting, Part I
This module covers the process of teaming, reviews the legal documents used for the teaming process, and covers the key items to look for in each. It adds teaming and contracting terminology to participants’ reference. It covers the various set-aside programs and the compliance and tracking requirements associated with service contracts. It includes best practices for minimizing legal headaches and avoiding serious set-aside violations.
At the end of this module, Participants will:
· Describe best practices for the legal agreements used during teaming.
· Identify key sections to review and what to look for on teaming legal agreements to ensure fair treatment, avoid legal pitfalls, and protect the company from unscrupulous teaming partners
· List compliance considerations when teaming
· Determine their potential set-aside statuses, and access instructions for beginning certification
Who should attend: Executives, administrators
Module 3: Teaming and Contracting, Part II
This module covers strategies to consider when deciding on priming vs subbing, teaming or bidding alone. It covers the various formats, types and terminology of contracts and contract vehicles. It provides an understanding of more complex types of contracts and contract vehicles that can be valuable, but also troublesome.
At the end of this module, participants will be able to:
· Describe strategies to consider when priming and subbing, as well as teaming with other companies.
· Document a list of resources for finding teammates
· Describe the various types of contracts, pros and cons of each
· Distinguish between the various formats of contracts
· Identify a Service Contract Act contract and describe pros/cons of this type
· Describe general requirements for GSA schedules and benefits and hurdles for holding this type of contract
Module 4: Bidding, Part I: Finding opportunities, process and players
This module provides a quick review of the government systems that can be used to identify opportunities (covered by PTAC/APEX accelerators) and builds on that. It discusses capability statements and how to get help on creating one. A sample is provided. The stages of the bidding process is described, with considerations of each stage. A distinction is made between Contracting officers, Contracting Specialists, and end users, with discussion on dealing with each.
At the end of this module, participants will be able to:
· Describe resources for finding bid opportunities in US government systems, as well as other locations
· Distinguish between source selection criteria- Best Value and LPTA
· List the key components of a capability statement
· Define the stages of the bidding process and key considerations of each stage
· Distinguish between Contracting Officers, Contracting Specialists, end users, respective roles and authorities and best practices for working with them
Module 5: Bidding, Part II – Requests for Proposals
This module covers the Request for Proposal document – how to read it, what to look for – a description of the various sections is provided. It covers the Q&A process and strategic considerations. It covers examples of well and poorly written questions.
At the end of this module, participants will
· Have a resource describing the sections of an RFP and an RFP kickoff template
· Describe key things to look for in an RFP
· Identify common clauses in an RFP
· Identify common attachments in an RFP
· Describe the Q&A process
· Write an effective, clear and properly formatted question to get the answer you desire
· Explain how to process RFP amendments
· State the difference between awardable and unawarded scenarios/task orders and considerations for each
Module 6: Bidding, Part III: Proposals
This module gets into the details of writing the proposal. It covers the various skill sets required and provides proposal writing best practices. It discusses the typical proposal volumes and what is (and isn’t) included in each. The proposal review process is explained, including proposal terminology. Strategy for working with teammates is covered.
At the end of this module, participants will be able to:
· List the various skill sets required for proposal creation
· Define proposal terminology
· Explain proposal writing best practices
· Identify the most typical proposal volumes and their make up
· Describe strategies for working with teammates
· Describe the review color teams and the goals of each
Module 7: Bidding Part IV, Pricing
This module covers pricing a service type proposal. It includes strategy, goals, and the step-by-step process for loading labor rates. A template will be provided. Best practices are shared. Terminology for government evaluation of pricing is explained.
At the end of this module, participants will be able to:
· Describe pricing strategies and government price evaluation methods
· Load a labor rate and ODCs for a service-type contract
· List best practices for building your pricing volume
Who should attend: Executives, program managers, bookkeeper/finance
Module 8: Awards and Execution
This module covers what happens after an award is made. Debriefs and protests are explained and strategies for both are discussed.
At the end of this module, participants will be able to:
· Use the provided Contract award kickoff template
· Define debrief and protests and strategies for both
· Describe a contract and what to look for
· Define contract extensions and option years and strategies for discussing these with the government
· List best practices for handling subcontractors (and being a subcontractor)
· List best practices for working with a bank
· Describe how to get good performance ratings from the government
· List best practices for storing contract documentation
· Have a cash flow model to adapt to their own needs
Module 9: Accounting Basics
This module covers the accounting principles and terminology for federal government contractors. Importance of tracking time and specific requirements for invoices are explained. We cover US government audits and the agencies that conduct them. Sample Accounting policies are provided and best practices are discussed.
At the end of this module, participants will be able to:
· Access a list of timekeeping requirements for implementation in their company
· Define key accounting terminology specific to Federal GOVCON
· Access a list of GOVCON compliant software
· Distinguish direct and indirect costs
· Create accounting policies from sample provided
· Distinguish Accrual vs cash accounting requirements for GOVCON
· List items required for an acceptable invoice
Who should attend, Finance/bookkeeper, program managers
Module 10: Accounting System setup
This module demonstrates how to set up your accounting system for compliance with federal government contracting.
At the end of this module, participants will be able to alter or set up their accounting system to be in compliance with federal contracting requirements.
Module 11: HR and Compliance
This module covers the Human Resources requirements for federal government contractors. Laws and executive orders specific to government contractors will be discussed, with best practices for compliance. Additional best practices for handling other compliance matters, such as timesheets, and contracting and set aside tracking will be covered.
At the end of this module, participants will be able to:
· Reference guideline for when the various laws and executive orders apply to their business
· Describe compliance requirements and best practices for ensuring compliance in HR, contracts and accounting
Who should attend: PMs, HR, Finance,
Module 12 Classified Work and protecting Sensitive data
In this module, participants will get an understanding of the requirements to protect sensitive data (to include a CMMC overview), and the processes for being able to hold clearances, store classified contracts, respond to classified RFPs, send classified data.
At the end of this module, participants will be able to:
· Describe CMMC and how it applies to them
· Describe the process for obtaining a facility clearance
· Distinguish between holding clearances and storing, creating and sending classified documents.
· List requirements for an FSO position
· Define Key Persons
· Recognize when ITAR may come into play, and list the consequences of failing to do so.